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Little Fish – Big Pond


Joy Anasta recently presented to Kildare parents and friends, an informative and sometimes confronting information session about managing their daughter’s social and emotional journey through the Middle Years.

Our presenter, Joy Anasta is a highly regarded a Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, Counsellor, Educator, Mediator (Business & Law) and Parent Coach who has a long association with Kildare College.

While it is hard to encapsulate everything Joy spoke about, below is a snapshot of some of the key points addressed.

Joy spoke to the group about:

  • The importance of being a parent and not your daughter’s friend.
  • How much your daughter needs you at this time, even though she gives the impression she has everything under control. “She doesn’t, she needs you more than ever.”
  • As a parent you have the wisdom and knowledge to be the rational person in the conversation, regardless of how much she pushes you. Remember you are the adult.
  • Parents have the adult brain, your daughter’s brain is still developing. You daughter will push the boundaries and make mistakes. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. Negotiate consequences with her, you will be surprised at her ability to set appropriate consequences.
  • Adolescents need their sleep more than ever at this time of rapid development and the best way to achieve this is to not have any digital devices in your child’s bedroom. A suggestion was that everyone puts their phones in a common area, not near the bedroom.
  • Remember you are not the only parent saying no to things. Other parents are too.
  • Don’t hesitate to make contact with parents if your daughter’s friends are having a sleepover. Find out if an adult will be home during the event. Take your daughter to the front door and meet your daughter’s friends’ parents. Your daughter will be mortified, but you will be reassured. After all, would you let her sleep anywhere?
  • Talk to her about keeping herself safe.
  • Hold firm.  Even though you might be tempted to waver. Hold firm. Your daughter will thank you for it.

The Kildare College community is very grateful that Joy for her time presenting to our community. We hope to upload her presentation to our website within the next couple of weeks.

Michelle Camilleri
Middle Years Coordinator



Strength and Gentleness