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Future Innovation a Key Priority in New Organisational Structure for Kildare College


In a year of great transformation and growth, Kildare College welcoming the largest cohort of students to the College in its history, and launched a new organisational structure centred on future innovation, appointing three staff members to the positions of Future Innovation Coach. 

With over 670 students now attending the Holden Hill College, offering innovative and dynamic curriculum choices with a wealth of educational opportunities and experiences for the students, remains a chief priority.

Principal, Tina Neate, says: “It was critically important to update our organisational structure and appoint the Future Innovation Coaches in 2022. Their role is centred on developing school improvement in teaching and learning and focusing on incorporating contemporary and future-focused skills.”

The Future Innovation Coach roles have been implemented with the intention of creating a College culture, whereby students are nurtured and positioned to be drivers of their own success. The Coaches will play an essential role in innovation in education, the performance culture of the College, using data to inform teaching practices and improve student outcomes. From this, students will be able to take responsibility for their learning and wellbeing, be positive risk-takers and achieve personal excellence.

Future Innovation Coach, Rebecca Sarvas, says: “We’re not only looking at what skills the students require for the jobs of the future, but also what life skills they need to support their future choices.”

Tina also says: “We’re excited by the impact that these positions will have on the future growth and strategy of the College, and look forward to sharing goals and developments when they are available”.

Furthermore, Tina suggested: “It wouldn’t be unreasonable to see further development of the Digital Technologies and Media curriculums, even Languages, Robotics, and Space Technology for example, while also exploring humanitarian and self-development opportunities”.

Catering for a myriad of individual skills and talents continues to be a key focus area at Kildare College in 2022, with the introduction of a Specialist Dance Program for students entering Year 7. A revised Gifted Education program will also ensure students are accelerated, extended and enriched through their learning. Students in Year 9 also have the chance this year to explore the Arch D Radio and Podcasting course, a medium that will enhance skills and creative opportunities.

Strength and Gentleness