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Inspiring and empowering morning


On Friday 10 March Kildare College student leaders attended the International Women’s Day breakfast held at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

It was a wonderful event with over 2700 people in attendance. The keynote speaker was Julia Gillard who spoke passionately about raising awareness for women, especially those in education and she noted she is “charged for change” as change is still needed.

Julia Gillard highlighted the fact that throughout the world there is only 84% of girls in secondary education, there is still an 11% wage gap in Adelaide and the number of females acting as politicians totals only 5%.

These numbers left a lasting impression on our students, as did the opportunity to network with some amazing people.

Raymond Kropinski
Senior Years & Physical Education and Sport Coordinator


The International Women’s Day breakfast was an amazing and influential experience to be a part of.

The event encouraged us to deeply consider the importance of all women in society. It was a surreal experience to be surrounded by so many compassionate women.

As a community, we celebrated the achievements we have made as women, but also acknowledged the struggles many still face. Julia Gillard and Penny Wong presented factual evidence that we are denying girls the ‘best possible future’.

These strong leaders have inspired us to make a change by increasing awareness within our College.

Emily and Julie
Kildare College Captains

Strength and Gentleness