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The theme for the Year 9 retreat day was “RESPECT”. Out of the theme grew the concept of respect for self and for others. Breaking open the message of Jesus enabled the students to better understand the scriptural foundation of showing respect to others through the example of Jesus who taught us that God made us all worthy of respect, as God made us all equal.

There were plenty of laughs throughout the day as the students engaged in different activities. It would appear, however, that in the end it was music and dancing that brought them together.

Helping the students throughout the day and especially in their small groups were some of the Year 11 Peer Support Leaders. The Year 11s were able to journey with them as well as help facilitate their small group discussions and final liturgy preparations. It is always great to have some of the older students come along and they set a great example for the Year 9s to follow.

Overall, it was a great opportunity at this stage of the Year 9s to get re-connected through their retreat and set the scene for a great year together.

Enrico Caprioli  

Strength and Gentleness