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Zoo Careers Awareness Day 2018.jpeg.jpg

Zoo Career Awareness Day


The Adelaide Zoo will be holding their next ZOO Career Awareness Day on Friday 29 June. This event is suitable for Year 10 – 12 students and provides students with information about the range of jobs in zoos and the training required for them. Students also get the chance to interact with various professionals from a range of departments. 

The Zoo employees share information about what their job entails and the career journeys they have taken to get where they are. If your daughter is interested in the field of animal science, we are very happy to support her involvement in this program. 

Bookings are online at https://tickets.zoossa.com.au/WebStore/shop/ViewItems.aspx?CG=ZSA&C=ZLCAD The cost is $38 per student. Lunch (pizza, soft drinks and juices) are provided on the day.

We have had a number of students involved in this event in the past and all have been very positive and the experience. 

Charlotte Hartell in Year 10 shared her thoughts:
"The Zoo Career's Day is an amazing experience to take part in if you are thinking of a possible career in animals, or involving the zoo. You get some close up experiences with animals such as snakes, birds, stick insects or even squirrel gliders. You get an insight into the reality of working in a zoo or an associated animal field and the different pathways that people take to get to where they end up. It is a great way to narrow down whether you may be interested in this career, and the day gives you a great opportunity to ask questions and to start your journey of one day working your dream job."

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