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Project Compassion


Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. It is an extraordinary, ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of the Catholic congregation and caring supporters throughout Australia to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

Project Compassion demonstrates how we can work together for a just future.

The Justice and Democracy Team continued to promote Kildare K’s in 2018 to encourage students to take part and inspire friendly competition between the Houses. Brigid, Chanel, Delany and Kildare were challenged to raise $200 while Nagle had a $100 to raise. Each Pastoral Care group went about it differently, with CC hosting a scone morning tea, BA conducting a balloon burst competition and KB generously donating their pocket money.

The Justice and Democracy Team educated the community about the work of Caritas Australia. Videos were shared in House Meetings while Sophia Keys revealed the reality of life for a young girl growing up in a developing country through messages over the PA in Week 10. In Week 11, the team hosted a Roti Day to share the stories of Project Compassion with students, making over 70 roti breads for students and staff.  The Justice and Democracy Team would like to thank Mehakpal Kaur and Navrosepreet Kaur who shared their cooking skills with us. Thank-you to the St. Vinnies Group who supported the cause by selling sweets on this day also.

Kildare K’s raised $1087.10, with Chanel being the stand out House. A special mention to CC from Chanel as well as KA, NA, BD and DC who raised the most for their House. As a College, we raised $1552.50. Congratulations everyone!

As an act of solidarity, the running (or walking) of a 1km per House will be completed during Catholic Education Week in Week 5. This is to show our support for those who walk kilometres to access food, water, education and health care around the world and to show the importance of the work that Caritas Australia carries out.

Thank-you for your continued support.

The Justice and Democracy Team


Strength and Gentleness